Acquisition Page

Experiment Signal

The Experiment Signal page is designed for running and analyzing experiments on the selected sample.

Basic Acquisition Page Image

Mode Selection

  • Browser: Switches to the browser mode for managing files and projects.

  • Sample: Activates sample mode for sample-specific settings.

  • Analysis: Switches to the analysis mode for data processing.

  • Sequence: Opens the sequence mode for defining experimental sequences.

View Options

  • SIGNAL / SPECTRUM Toggle: Allows switching between viewing the signal in the time domain (SIGNAL) and the frequency domain (SPECTRUM).

  • Data Preview Toggle Allows switching between viewing the experimental data and data visualization customization. For more info refer to Experiment Data Preview Toggle.

    Spectrum Sub Page Image

Open Preset Selection Button

Chose Experimental Preset Panel Image

The Open Preset Selection Button in TQT Nuclei provides users with quick access to a range of predefined NMR experiment presets. These presets allow users to run commonly used NMR experiments without the need for detailed setup or configuration, making the process of running standard experiments efficient and straightforward. Below is an overview of the available presets: #TODO: add links to particular experiments

  1. CPMG (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill)

    This preset runs the CPMG sequence, which is used for measuring transverse relaxation times (T2). The CPMG sequence helps in reducing the effects of magnetic field inhomogeneities and provides accurate T2 measurements by refocusing spin echoes. Users can run this preset out of the box with minimal adjustments, ideal for quick and reliable T2 measurements.

  2. FID (Free Induction Decay)

    The FID preset is designed for measuring the Free Induction Decay signal, which occurs immediately after the application of a radiofrequency pulse. This signal contains information about the sample's magnetic environment and is often used for initial tests or calibrations. The FID measurement provides a simple and fast way to observe the response of the nuclei and is typically the starting point for most NMR experiments.

  3. T1 (Inversion Recovery)

    The T1 preset runs the Inversion Recovery sequence, which is used to measure longitudinal relaxation times (T1). This experiment involves inverting the magnetization and monitoring its return to equilibrium, allowing users to determine the T1 relaxation time of the sample. The preset is optimized for efficient data acquisition, making it easy to measure T1 without extensive configuration.

  4. Hahn-Echo

    The Hahn-Echo preset allows users to run the Hahn-Echo sequence, which is used to refocus spins and measure transverse relaxation inhomogeneities. The sequence is similar to CPMG but uses fewer refocusing pulses. It is particularly useful for measuring T2 in cases where long echo trains are unnecessary or when exploring spin echo formation. This preset provides an accessible way to conduct basic Hahn-Echo experiments.

By clicking the Open Preset Selection Button, users can quickly choose and run any of these preset experiments, allowing for efficient data collection without needing to manually set up parameters. Each preset is pre-configured with optimized settings for its respective experiment, but users can still adjust specific parameters if needed for their particular sample or research goals.

Experiment Control Panel (Specific to Signal Analysis)

Experiment Control Panel Image Experiment Control Panel Image
  • Num Scans: Defines the number of scans to perform during the experiment.

  • Phase Cycling (Checkbox): Enables or disables phase cycling for signal averaging. Note that in this case number of scans should be multiple of 4.

  • Save (Checkbox): Select to save the experiment data automatically after completion.

  • As New (Checkbox): When selected, saves the data as a new entry instead of overwriting existing data.

  • OPEN PRESET: Opens a preset configuration for the experiment.

This panel is context dependent in relation to the current active Page.

Start and Analysis Buttons

Experiment Control Panel Image
  • START: Begins the experiment using the current settings.

  • RUN ANALYSIS: Executes data analysis on the collected signal, available after data acquisition.

The Experiment Signal page provides control over experiment execution and the ability to adjust settings for signal analysis, making it ideal for real-time data acquisition and immediate processing.